Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Steampunk Sword

In the summer my long standing goth boy discovered brown (see the brown surcoat that he now wears everywhere), and steampunk became irresistible.

For our anniversary he wanted a sword. In September he picked up an anniversary sword at the local shop, Prince of Blades. He didn't find anything he LOVED, but got something anyways. You understand that there must be a new sword, right?

For spring he took apart a broken bike in our yard. He had gears. He had spraypaint. He had a sword he didn't love.

There was plottings.

And then there was cursing...

You see, he wanted to make a new handguard out of the gears, but 6 drill bits and more than a week of cursing and he still wasn't getting anywhere.

And then a Miracle! Rescued by the in-law with knowledge of drills and metal - and there was happiness.

Or at least, mostly a level of satisfaction. He remains unhappy that he couldn't do what he originally had in mind with everything - and is nitpicking at the results.

I think it's purty! How about you?

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